Product visualisations – Buggy
Photo :before and :after comparison

A pinch of adrenaline, a breeze in the hair and a gently raised pulse! All of this a buggy can do to you. The present invention is not like the typical means of transport designed to travel on the road. On the contrary! This vehicle feels in its skin when you take it for a ride on a more interesting type of terrain, the so-called offroad. If you are an extreme sports enthusiast, the term buggykitting is certainly not unknown to you. It’s a ride on such specially designed extreme vehicles. So let’s take a closer look at what the buggy really is.
4×4 RAPTOR x500 V8
We are talking about an unusual four-wheeled vehicle, which we could also call a hidden element. But for the right ride you need a right engine! In this case, the buggy is powered by a five-liter and 2-times turbocharged eight-cylinder petrol engine of 800 PS. And because you can ride it where you want, in addition to a quality engine, this off-road pirate also needs a quality chassis that is highly durable. And this RAPTOR bug meets this condition. We must not forget that its body is made of composite materials. Certainly, many of you will ask yourself: Is it even possible for a ride on such a vehicle to be comfortable? Absolutely independent wheel suspension ensures comfort and convenience.
By creating product visualizations and presentation video. This time in collaboration with the Thdesign design studio. It is best to present such atypical means of transport by seeing it from every side. You can use the arrows to scroll right, left, front and back on our 3D buggy visualization and explore it in more detail. You can browse with your mouse and compare the photos before and after the visualization with which we also took our time with. We’ve added a bit of mud, a few stickers, and more distinct tracks. However, this does not stop there. How many differences can you still find there?